You are here: TITLER > Title > Data > CSV Import

Import CSV

In the event of a large number of participants, you can also import a spreadsheet file in CSV format.

Click on to open the File Browser and choose your file.

Here is an example file, with a line for data and a column for each value:

The CSV data separators are not automatically detected. Please select the configuration of your file via the drop-down menu Separator (data separating character) and Encoding (text encoding format).

On the right-hand side, you are asked to choose the allocation option of received data, column by column:

  • Existing text field: You can directly assign the data to an existing text field. If two columns are assigned to the same text field, the link will be offered to you.
  • Create new: A new text field will be automatically created to receive this value
  • Skip: The values of this column will be ignored

On the left, a link is proposed for the aggregate values on the same text field. You can personalise it, as long as the % signs remain at the start and at the end of the column names.

In our example, the given field name is "Arnaud Anchelergue". To get "Anchelergue Arnaud", simply type "%Last Name% %First Name%.

Click onto validate the importation.